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PHONE: 804-357-8381


Welcome Home!

Pastor Jim Langlois and his wife, Katy,

welcome you to The Master's House!  

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About Us

            Jim Langlois is the Pastor and Founder of The Master’s House in Ashland, Virginia.  He started ministry as a Children's minister in 1982 and two years later became an Assistant Pastor at Faith Landmarks Ministries for 21 years.  He became the Pastor of The Master's House in 2004 and continues to play drums on the worship team. Pastor Jim is the President of The Master’s Kids Evangelistic Association and Founder of the Family Bible Revolution. His most recent books include; Is it Okay to Pray in Tongues in Church?, Will the Real God Please Stand Up!, Living Pure in an Impure World, and The Family Bible Revolution

            Katy Langlois is the Worship Leader at The Master’s House in addition to teaching elementary-aged children at a nearby public school. Katy joined The Master’s House in 2008. Pastor Jim and Katy were married in 2019.

             Both passionately desire to see souls saved and lives changed through the bold and uncompromised Word of God!  One of their greatest passions is to build the family of God through worship, relationship, and service!  

Let's Connect!

We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.  Reach out to Pastor Jim at or call 804-357-8381.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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